Saturday, August 28, 2010

Busy baby

     Just a quick update. Today we were finally able to take pictures again. The only trouble we have now is getting the fuzzy stinker to stay still long enough so that the camera doesn't think he is a big blond blur. Here is what you missed. Finn has mastered the fake cough, the dogs name, where's Daddy, holds his arm out to what he wants, pulls himself up and gets back down again, rips everything off the shelves, races around the room faster than I can get up to chase him, and is crazy about the lights.

Monday, August 9, 2010

King of the hill

It seems that every day Finn sees to be a little better at getting around. He is spending less time on his belly and more on his knees. It seems that nothing stands in the way of where he wants to go. Piles of folded laundry, pillows, baskets, his boppy, ottomans, you name it, he climbs on it. whatever he can reach he pulls himself up on. It is amazing to watch him grow but everyday that he gets better is another day that he gets bigger. He turned 7 months last week. I still remember his wrinkled little chicken legs from long ago. Only now the wrinkles have turned into rolls. Rolls so thick and plump you could eat them for Thanksgiving. The best part is when he climbs on me and stops to snuggle.